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STEP FIVE | Elevate Root Amplifier


STEP FIVE | Elevate Root Amplifier


STEP FIVE | Elevate Root Amplifier

Sale Price:$44.00 Original Price:$88.00

STEP FIVE | Elevate Root Amplifier (8oz.) + Choose 2nd FREE Product

Click below on the tab that says “Choose 2nd FREE item” and then click on one other product you want to get for FREE from the drop down menu.

  1. Once you choose your 2nd FREE item, you will click add to cart.

    IMPORTANT: (your second free item will appear in your cart in very small writing below the item ELEVATE ROOT AMPLIFIER). These 2 items will show up in your cart as a quantity of 1. You do not need to change the quantity to get your 2nd FREE item.

  2. You can buy as many other products as you want and get more items FREE.

  3. When you’re done shopping, You will click on your cart that appears as a little white bar at the top right of your screen.

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Spray this foam to lotion technology into the palm and emulsify in hands. Then apply to the targeted root area to lift the hair naturally from the scalp and provide nutrients. Pull the item through to the ends for volume, separation and shine from root to ends of the hair. This product is applied to wet hair and works also as a natural heat protectant and UVA and UVB sun protectant.